Station Life Skills and BMB Family.

Station Life Skills and BMB Family.

Life-span experience: lived almost permanently on self-sufficient stations / farms, in Europe and Australia mainly.

1 Horses. Bread, Train and Rides. Acknowledgeable of Farm Life. Horse Owner Since 1995, in Australia and Serbia. Saddles, harness, machines for repairs, shoeing,...

2 Dogs. Serbian Shepard Dogs ('Sharplaninac' and 'Vucijak'). Blue Heelers. Occasionally Breed & Train, in Australia and Serbia, Owners.

3 Heavy and All Terrain Vehicles Experience, including full-size buses and trucks with trailers.  (A,B,C Class Driving License).

4 Sustainable Life on Properties. In Europe and in Australia. Property powered by solar PV generator and micro hydro scheme / combined with electrochemical batteries and gravitational scheme.

5 Versatile with Arms (Serbian Permit - Pistol, Revolver, Rifle. Australian “C” Class Permit). Ex-Army Marine. Pistols, Revolvers, Rifles, Automatic Rifles, Machine Guns. Own pistol CZ-99, revolver (S&W .357) and 30.06 mauzer-style rifle.

6 'Classical' Electrical & Other Power Systems Hands-On Experience. Diesel-Electric Gen-sets, Power Management & Distribution Equipment. Bores and pumps, windmills, diesel and solar power.

7 Communication Systems. Radio (Short-Long). CDMA. Wi-Fi. Routers.

8 Computer Software & Hardware. Builds & Repairs PCs. Microsoft and Linux OS, and applications.

9 Owns and Operates a Number of Mobile Work Stations & Laboratories: Electrical, Mechanical; Chemical, Control & Data Acquisition, Computers.

10 On All-Terrain Vehicles.

11 Owns & Utilizes ~40 hectares (100 acres) of Land. Micro Hydro Power Plant Cite, Building & Artistic Stone Quarry, Solar PV Generator, Construction Timber Forests, Agricultural Land.

12 Owns & Uses Agricultural Farm Machinery, Construction Machinery, All Terrain Trucks and Vehicles, Long Haul Vehicles Electric Vehicles...

13 Our children educated in accordance with the distant-learning self-sufficient system (similar to Australian School of the Air - system) with an international program.

14 Our entire family grows fruits and vegetables, and farm the land, using purely natural, organic methods & aids.